Dear ACS CATL Division Members,
The call for abstracts is now open, and we encourage you to submit abstracts for the Spring 2021 National Meeting, which will be a live and virtual meeting. Your symposium organizers have assembled an outstanding program that span a range of current topics in catalysis. The descriptions of the Spring 2021 symposia can be accessed here.
The Spring 2021 meetings will consist of live-streaming (i.e., synchronous) presentations with Q&A immediately following each oral presentation. Registration costs will be significantly lower than past meeting ($99 for ACS members, nominally $29 for students). As a result of the large number of cancelled meetings during the past year, we understand that many younger scientists have not had the opportunities to share their research at this critical point in their career. Therefore, the CATL division strongly encourages students and postdocs to participate, and we anticipate that we will be able to waive or reimburse registration costs for students and postdocs who are members of our division (details shared for accepted speakers when registration opens).
For this meeting only, the CATL division will allow each individual to deliver only one oral presentation (either invited or contributed). This change was made to permit a greater number of our members to share their work. Please submit only a single abstract to oral symposia in the CATL division, however, you are welcome to share additional work in the “General Catalysis” poster session.
The Spring 2021 ACS National Meeting will take place April 6th – 16th, 2021. The abstract deadline is January 19th, 2021.
The list of symposia and abstract submission can be found here:
To submit an abstract, you can also go to:
1. and select the ACS Spring 2021 meeting
2. Login with your ACS ID
3. Click "Submission", then "Create New Submission"
4. Choose "CATL" and follow the instructions on screen.
Best regards,
David Flaherty (Spring 2021 Program Chair)
Aditya Bhan (CATL Division Chair)