Dear ACS CATL Division Members,
We are excited for the coming Spring 2021 National Meeting, which will occur between April 5 - April 16 as a live and virtual event. The CATL Division symposium organizers have produced a stimulating program that includes more than 450 oral presentations and greater than 70 posters program that span a range of current topics in catalysis. Thanks to all the organizers and authors for working to create an outstanding program! The schedule for the technical sessions in CATL will soon be available here.
The Spring 2021 symposia will feature synchronous (i.e., live streaming) presentations via Zoom with Q&A immediately following each oral presentation. Registration costs are significantly lower than past meeting, and we strongly encourage you to register and attend the live sessions! Information regarding how to login to the meeting will be made available to you through the ACS website once you have registered. Note - the majority of the presentations will not be available as recorded content later, so please attend the live sessions. In addition, the live Interdivisional poster event will occur on Wednesday, April 21 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT.
The ACS CATL Division will have a Zoom 'lounge' set up to be open almost the full day every day for the Spring 2021 ACS National Meeting. Feel free to use the lounge during the lunch breaks (12:00 - 1:00 pm PDT) to connect with your colleagues and throughout the national meeting. You will receive the information of how to access the Zoom 'lounge' through a separate email.
Take care and we hope to see you in the sessions!
Best regards,
David Flaherty (Spring 2021 Program Chair)
Aditya Bhan (CATL Division Chair)